
'We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us,' said Winston Churchill, famously, of the architectural arts. The purpose of buildings—most of them, anyway—is to cater to human happiness and productivity. The immense capital and labor demands of construction mean that we build rarely, and the consequences of failure are immense. It's important to get it right. Hence the $1.6 trillion spent annually on building.

For a long time, the art and science of architecture was one. Brunelleschi's dome in Florence was a simultaneous, Gordian knot of a work: elevating design and sound structural calculations, all at once and not separable; when one changed, so too did the other.

The craft of the architect will always endure. People have complex, evolving needs. But every building project involves dozens of iterations of expensive and mathematically soluble structural engineering work: pure science. And $288 billion is spent on this work yearly. We partnered with Hedral to revolutionize the process of building by adapting custom AI models to do engineering work with speed, precision, and at attractive cost.

Joseph Malchow Partner at Hanover

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